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EMoSEE online exhibition

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EMoSEE is a transformative photography project involving 80 Luxembourgish youth and SEPAS professionals in 7 educational institutions in a series of self-portrait workshops to transforme motions into art. The artworks produced are shown in 4 exhibitions : in the Tunnel Grund (« Kind of Blue »), neimënster (« All of Me, All of You »), in the online exhibition and in the interactive EMoSEE Cube, which will itinerate in Luxembourgish high schools.


Developed by Cristina Nuñez, SPEX is an internationally recognized system for individual and social transformation. Initiated by Nuñez as a self-therapy tool, the method has expanded and is now a peer-to-peer laboratory aimed at stimulating the unconscious creative process, broadening self-perception and engaging the audience in emotional reflection.


The EMoSEE project was led by CEPAS - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse in close collaboration with Art as Experience asbl, who led the artistic and participative aspect of the project.


The exhibition online was produced with the financial support of Fondation Sommer and curated by Paul di Felice and Krystyna Dul.


We would like to thank all the young and adult participants, promotors and collaborators, in particular Ville de Luxembourg, CAPEL, Ministry of Culture, Fondation Sommer, neimënster and Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.

Special thanks to all the educational establishments, as well as the professionals who contributed to the success of this project: Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg, Lycée Aline Mayrisch, Lycée de Bonnevoie, Lycée technique du Centre (annexe Kirchberg), École nationale pour adultes, École internationale Mersch Anne Beffort and le Centre national de formation professionnelle continue d’Esch-sur-Alzette.



169, route de Longwy

L-1941 Luxembourg

©2022 by Art as Experience created by LOOKING FORWARD C.I.C. London

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